phrase: access_token: ACCESS_TOKEN #Add your personal access token to authenticate, you can find the steps on how to create one here: project_id: PROJECT_ID #The public Project ID which can be found in the Project Settings (API tab) file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION #Find the format you want to use here: , access the article and copi the API extension push: sources: - file: ./path/to/file/file.format #Provide the path to the file(s) you want to push here, starting from the location of the configuration file. You can use the placeholders , and in the path or file-name params: file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) #See above. Only required if you deviate from the default format set in the header locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id. tags: TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) #List of tags separated by comma to be associated with the new keys contained in the upload. update_translations: false (boolean) #Indicates whether existing translations should be updated with the file content. update_descriptions: false (boolean) #Existing key descriptions will be updated with the file content. Empty descriptions overwrite existing descriptions. skip_upload_tags: false (boolean) #Indicates whether the upload should not create upload tags. skip_unverification: false (boolean) #Indicates whether the upload should unverify updated translations. file_encoding: ENCODING (string) #Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" and "ISO-8859-1". locale_mapping: {"LANGUAGE_CODE": "COLUMN"} (object) #Optional, format specific (Excel, CSV) mapping between locale names and the columns the translations to those locales are contained in. autotranslate: false (boolean) #If set, translations for the uploaded language will be fetched automatically. mark_reviewed: false (boolean) #Indicated whether the imported translations should be marked as reviewed. This setting is available if the review workflow (currently beta) is enabled for the project. #------------- format_options: ignore_source_translations: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. Ignores the source translations in the file during the upload (to avoid accidental source language updates) ignore_target_translations: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. Ignores the target translations in the file during the upload (to avoid accidental target language updates) msgid_as_default: false (boolean) #Gettext template POT files. Use the key name (msgid) as translation (key names equal source translation in that format) strip_placeholder_delimiters: false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Removes tags from translations override_file_language: false (boolean) #XLIFF/XLIFF 2.0 only. This file format typically contains language information in the file itself. Use this option to override the language with one you specify. key_index: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing the key names. Column indexes start at 1. comment_index: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing description for the key. Column indexes start at 1. tag_column: [empty](integer) #Excel/CSV only. Index of the column containing a tag for the key. Column indexes start at 1 . column_separator: , (string) #CSV only. Char that is used to separate columns. quote_char: '"' (string) #CSV only. Char that is used to quote newlines and column separator. header_content_row: false (boolean) #CSV only. Indicates whether the first row contains only header information and should be skipped. first_content_row: 1 (integer) #Excel only. Index of first row to contain translation content. enable_pluralization: true (boolean) #Simple/Nested JSON only. Enables detection of pluralized keys. All matching keys will be persisted as pluralized keys. unescape_linebreaks: false (boolean) #Android XML only. All \n will be imported as true newlines escape_single_quotes: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Escape single quotes with another single quote (e.g. I'm -> I''m ). pull: targets: - file: ./path/to/file/file.format params: file_format: FORMAT_API_EXTENSION (string) #See above. Only required if you deviate from the default format set in the header locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id. tags: TAG_1, TAG_2 (string) #Limit results to keys tagged with a list of comma separated tag names. include_empty_translations: false (boolean) #Indicates whether keys without translations should be included in the output as well. exclude_empty_zero_forms: false (boolean) #Indicates whether zero forms should be included when empty in pluralized keys. include_translated_keys: true (boolean) #Include translated keys in the locale file. Use in combination with include_empty_translations to obtain only untranslated keys. keep_notranslate_tags: false (boolean) #Indicates whether [NOTRANSLATE] tags should be kept. encoding: ENCODING (string) #Enforces a specific encoding on the file contents. Valid options are "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE" and "ISO-8859-1". include_unverified_translations: true (boolean) #If set to false unverified translations are excluded use_last_reviewed_version: false (boolean) #If set to true the last reviewed version of a translation is used. This is only available if the review workflow is enabled for the project. fallback_locale_id: LOCALE_ID (string) #Can be the name (e.g. en-US) or public id (via Language settings -> API) of the locale. Preferred is the public id. #------------- format_options: document_id: DOCUMENT_ID (string) #Takes the document ID of the existing HTML documents in your project the export should be based on. enclose_in_cdata: false (boolean) #XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF/Android XML only. Encloses translations containing html tags in CDATA include_translation_state: false (boolean) #XLIFF/Symfony XLIFF only. Include state of translations in the target locale indent_size: 4 (integer) #XLIFF/Android XML only. Specifies number of indentation characters indent_style: space (string) #XLIFF/Android XML only.Specifies indentation character. Allowed values are space and tab export_key_id_as_resname: true/false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Exports the Key ID as the "resname" attribute. export_key_name_hash_as_extradata: true/false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Exports the Key Name hash as the "extradata" attribute. delimit_placeholders: false (boolean) #XLIFF only. Removes tags from translations convert_placeholder: false (boolean) #iOS/Android XML only. Placeholder will be converted to match format specific requirements. Example: '$s' => '$@' include_pluralized_keys: false (boolean) #iOS only. Also include pluralized keys in the locale file. export_tags: false (boolean) #Excel/CSV only. Exports tags along with keys and translations. export_max_characters_allowed: false (boolean) #Excel/CSV only.Exports the key character limit along with keys and translations. escape_linebreaks: false (boolean) #Android XML only. All line breaks will be escaped as '\n' escape_single_quotes: false (boolean) #Java/Play Framework Properties only. Escape single quotes with another single quote (e.g. I'm -> I''m ). omit_separator_space: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Skip the space before and after the separator sign (= ). crlf_line_terminators: false (boolean) #Java Properties only. Use CRLF (Windows) line terminator chars.