Opening a project presents it in a project page. A project can be saved as a template or cloned from the Save as menu. Project details are presented along with any assigned project metadata.
The project page features a dashboard followed by tables of associated project attributes:
Project dashboard
provides statistics for a specific project and is divided into two sections:-
Overall progress
The overview of job statuses and issues across all workflow steps
Individual progress
The overview of job statuses and issues in individual workflow steps and language combinations.
If a warning is present in the project, a box appears in the respective section of individual progress. Click on the box to receive a breakdown of the issues.
Jobs table
The jobs table lists all jobs associated with a project and tools for working with jobs. From the jobs table, jobs can be added, edited, downloaded (original or the completed translation, bilingual or final files), analyzed, pre-translated, and deleted along with other tools. If multiple files are selected from the table to be edited at once, they will open together in the editor (opening more than 100 at a time may cause performance issues).
Hovering over underlined indicators and icons in the table provides more information about the job such as progress, additions and word counts. For example, hover the mouse over a job status to see additional information about when the job entered a particular status, such as
and . This can be useful for calculating how long a Linguist has been translating the assigned job(s).The table can be filtered and the columns can be customized.
If a workflow step is specified in this table, only information about that step is presented in other tables.
Translation memories
Assign a translation memory to a project
Term bases
Any type of file can be added as a reference with a 1Gb size limit or just type a note in the text field. HTML tags can be used to add formatting to notes. Multiple reference files can be uploaded at once.
If a project contains references, Linguist will receive a notification when they open the editor. Reference files themselves are available at the bottom section of the Project page. References can be filtered and sorted.