
Create a Job

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

In the Projects page, click on the name of your project to open it, then follow these steps to create new job:

  1. From a Project page, in the Jobs table, click New.

    The Create Job page opens.

  2. Click Choose Files to upload a file, drag and drop a file on the button or Add from online repository if available.

  3. Select target languages (based on project definition).

  4. Click in the empty Select provider field to add a provider(s) from the dropdown list if required.

    • Jobs can be assigned to multiple providers—either Linguists or Vendors—when creating a new job, editing a job, or when using project templates.

    • Jobs can be accepted only by one Linguist at a time.

  5. Select Pre-translate to apply pre-translation settings of the project to new jobs.

  6. Provide due date (if applicable).

  7. Provide notification details (if applicable) to send notifications to providers specified in step 4.

    Select a workflow step from the dropdown list to trigger the notification and provide an interval for when notifications are to be sent.


    Three providers have been selected for Czech target language and an interval has been set for 10 minutes. When the selected workflow step starts:

    • Email notification is sent to Provider 1 immediately.

    • Email notification is sent to Provider 2 in 10 minutes.

    • Email notification is sent to Provider 3 in 20 minutes (10 minutes after last notification sent).

  8. Provide File import settings if required.

    • If source file is in a multilingual format (.XLSX, .CSV or .XML), ensure the correct file type is selected and specify how file content is to be imported and presented in the editor.


      Spreadsheet job options

      Set segment status of non-empty target allows users to define the status of any segment that already contains the target translation.

      Context key and Context note provide additional information for the translation and can be displayed in the editor.

      Maximum length specifies the maximum number of characters that can be contained in the target translation; characters above the limit are highlighted in the segment.

      Convert to Phrase tags allows application of regular expressions to convert specified text to tags.

    • If importing an XLIFF file containing HTML code, import the file as Wordpress XLIFF.

    • If under Character set the Input encoding is not specified, Phrase tries to determine the encoding from the file header. If this is not possible, default encoding is used.

      • For most cases (not for binary formats): UTF-8

      • Java properties: ISO-8859-1

      • SRT: windows-1252

      • Joomla INI: Must be in UTF-8 (It is not possible to change it with Input and/or Output encoding settings.)

      If the file is imported with corrupted characters, check the actual encoding of the file and set the Input encoding accordingly.

  9. Click Create.

    Job(s) are created and added to the list of jobs on the project page.

In projects with workflow steps, the steps are presented in the Create job page. The Target languages are pre-populated from first workflow step settings, but each step can have individual Provider, Due and Notify providers settings.

Common Errors:

  • INVALID_REQUEST: The input file cannot be processed.

    A general error informing that there was a temporary problem while importing the file; try importing again after a minute.

  • INVALID_REQUEST: Cannot process document which has cells merged across rows! See row # - The file may not be of the selected type (BILING_XLS).

    This error is displayed if importing a Multilingual XLSX file with merged cells in any of the columns designated for translation.

  • If text from import is not displayed, ensure the character set is correct.

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