Translation Memories (TMS)

Translation Memory Priority Order

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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TMs added to a project can be prioritized for relevancy and importance. Based on priority, files are pre-translated and suggestions are proposed in the CAT pane during translation.

CAT pane suggestions are proposed with the following logic:

  • 101% matches are deduplicated in case of multiple occurrences.

  • In case of 100% or lower matches, the system checks whether there is identical target text:

    • If the target text is different, multiple TM matches are displayed.

    • If the target text is identical, only one TM match is displayed, while the preferred TM has priority.


TM sequence if manual prioritization is not set:

  • First WRITE TM added to the project.

  • Second WRITE TM (if defined) added.

  • First READ TM added, followed by further READ TMs (if defined).

If manually prioritized and saved, sequencing follows the saved order.

Use cases

  • If the same TM is configured differently for multiple workflow steps (Translation step has TM with 1% penalty, while Review step uses a 5% penalty) and the All Workflow steps option is selected, both penalties cannot be displayed.

    The system treats all steps as having a unified configuration. Fallback default values are applied:

    • READ mode

    • Applies to 101% matches only option not selected

    • Define priority order off (WRITE is sorted first and then according to position)

    • Penalty 0%

  • A project with two workflow steps, Translation and Review.

    1. From the Select translation memories for: window, select Individual workflow steps then Continue. Only set TM_A in WRITE mode with a 1% penalty for the Translation workflow step.

      Save the settings.

    2. Go back to the Select translation memories for: window and select All workflow steps. A message appears stating any changes will overwrite current settings as All workflow steps is selected, and settings for individual languages/workflow steps will be lost.


      It is recommended to configure TMs for all languages and workflow steps before configuring TMs for individual languages and individual workflow steps.

  • A project with three prioritized TMs:

    1. TM_A

    2. TM_B

    3. TM_C

    A segment from a job matches all three TMs: TM_A has 95%, TM_B 99% and TM_C 100% match.

    Even if TM_C has the lowest priority, the 100% match from this TM will be used for pre-translation and will be offered at the first position in the CAT pane; the highest matches are always given higher priority.

Project templates

  • Configuration from projects is maintained but also configurable in the project template page.

  • TM configuration/priority is displayed for every workflow step under the workflow column in translation memories section. If there is no workflow step mentioned, TM is then applied to all workflow steps.

Shared jobs

  • Vendor can prioritize only owned TMs (Buyer TMs are not visible in Vendor prioritization window)

  • Buyer can prioritize only owned TMs (Vendor TMs are not visible in Buyer prioritization window)


Displayed to Buyer

Displayed to Vendor

No prioritization defined

  • Buyer's WRITE (if more TMs with WRITE mode, the one added first has highest priority)

  • Buyer's READ (if more TMs with READ mode, the one added first has highest priority)

  • Buyer's WRITE

  • Vendor's WRITE

  • Buyer's READ

  • Vendor's READ

Only Buyer prioritizes

  • Buyer's TMs according to priority

  • Buyer's TMs according to priority

  • Vendor's WRITE

  • Vendor's READ

Only Vendor prioritizes

  • Buyer's WRITE

  • Buyer's READ

  • Vendor's TMs  according to priority

  • Buyer's WRITE

  • Buyer's READ

Both Buyer and Vendor prioritize

  • Buyer TMs  according to priority

  • Buyer TMs  according to priority

  • Vendor TMs  according to priority

Shared projects

  • Vendor can prioritize only owned TMs (Buyer TMs are not visible in Vendor prioritization window)

  • Buyer can prioritize only owned TMs (Vendor TMs are not visible in Buyer prioritization window)


TM Priority Order

No prioritization defined

  • Buyer's WRITE (if more TMs with WRITE mode, the one positioned higher has highest priority)

  • Vendor's WRITE (if more TMs with WRITE mode, the one positioned higher has highest priority)

  • Buyer's READ (if more TMs with READ mode, the one positioned higher has highest priority)

  • Vendor's READ (if more TMs with READ mode, the one positioned higher has highest priority)

Only Buyer prioritizes

  • Buyer TMs according to priority

  • Vendor's WRITE

  • Vendor's READ

Only Vendor prioritizes

  • Vendor TMs according to priority

  • Buyer's WRITE

  • Buyer's READ

Both Buyer and Vendor prioritize

  • Buyer TMs  according to priority

  • Vendor TMs  according to priority

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