Translation Memories (TMS)

Optimize Translation Memory Matches

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

The translation memory match can be further optimized for the imported jobs using TM Match Context and Optimization options in the File Import settings. These options can also be set up in the main project settings:

  • Previous OR next segment context as 101%

    If context matches in either the previous or the next segment, it will be offered as a 101% match. Default requires both the previous and next segment to match.

  • Ignore tag metadata (enabled by default)

    If the tag's metadata in the job is different than tag metadata in the TM, the difference will be ignored. The tag metadata from the job's original segment will be automatically added to the job's translated segment. This also affects how repetitions are defined.


    If a source file contained tag {%1} while new source has {%d}=> the formal differences are ignored.

  • Penalize multiple 101% TM matches by 1%

    When more than one 101% with a different target (translation) is found, then all 101% matches are displayed as 100% with an arrow signaling the penalization.

    • In Pre-translate

      If the Pre-translation threshold is set to 101%, segments with multiple matches will not be pre-translated.

    • In Analysis:

      Segments with multiple 101% matches will be counted as 100% matches.

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