TMS: Project & job management

Filter jobs according to the progress

Current behavior:

It's not possible to filter jobs according to the percentage of their progress, both in Project and Jobs View.

Requested behavior:

It's  possible to filter jobs according to the percentage of their progress, both in Project and Jobs View.

Use case:

For quicker orientation among the jobs when the PM needs to filter jobs with 99% among the 100% Completed ones. 



  • If this gets implemented, it would also be a good idea to make sorting possible, as well as filtering the jobs according to the progress, as this could also be useful for the clients. 

  • I vote for this feature implementation; it would be very useful. Thanks in advance

  • I too vote for this feature implementation - it would save a lot of time on projects with large numbers of files. Thanks!

  • I would like to see this feature being implemented too!


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