Custom AI

MT Engine Training

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

To train an engine, follow these steps:

  1. From the MT models page, click Train MT model.

    The New MT model window opens.

  2. Provide a name for the model.

  3. Select a Dataset from the dropdown list.

    The source and target languages are presented along with the total number of segments.

  4. Click Create and train.

    The name of the model is added to the list along with the state. Training can take several hours depending on number of segments.

The More menu ellipses.png can also be used to open the Overview.

In the case a training fails and has an error status, click Retry CAI_Retry.pngfrom the More menu to make another attempt.

Using a Model

Once an engine is trained, the model can be used in Phrase Language AI.

To use the model in Phrase Language AI, follow these steps:

  1. Select Deploy to Language AI (TMS) from the ellipses menu ellipses.png of any model in the list or click Deploy to Language AI (TMS) on the model details page.

    The Deploy to Language AI (TMS) window opens.

  2. Select which MT profiles the model should be deployed to from the dropdown list.

    Click the x beside the profile name to remove it.

  3. Click Deploy.

    The model will be marked both in the model list and the details page as being in a state of Deployed along with how many profiles it is deployed to. Hover over the number of deployments to see the profile names.

The model is now visible in Phrase NextMT configuration.

Deleting a Model

If a model is no longer required, it can be deleted from either the More menu 3dots_icon.jpeg on the MT model page or from the three-dot menu menu_dots.png on the specific model page.

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