Translation Management

Keyboard Shortcuts (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

A set of keyboard shortcuts is available in Phrase Strings to navigate within the application. Click on Keyboard shortcuts in the left-side navigation panel to open an overview window.


The Strings editor offers a separate set of editor keyboard shortcuts.




Go to project overview

g > p

Go to dashboard

g > d

Go to languages

g > l

Go to uploads

g > u

Go to tags

g > t

Go to keys

g > k

Go to orders

g > o

Go to activities

g > a

Go to analytics

g > r

Go to jobs

g > j

Go to branches

g > b


Open shortcut help


Open new entry dialog


Open project settings

Shift + p

Close modal window



Go to next page

Shift + ArrowRight

Go to previous page

Shift + ArrowLeft

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