The workflow editor provides instant feedback on action configuration to ensure that every action within the workflow meets the necessary requirements.
The validation icon next to an action in the editor indicates the action’s status:
Green icon
The action is valid and fully configured. Only workflows with all actions marked green are eligible for publication.
Grey icon
The action requires configuration.
Yellow icon
An existing field was removed in the action. Inspect the parameters to confirm it.
Red icon
The action contains validation errors needing resolution.
Automatic Action Upgrades
In case of API changes, relevant actions in Orchestrator are automatically upgraded to remain in sync with the latest API specifications.
Upgrades to actions can range from transitions that require no user intervention to scenarios that involve manual adjustments:
Unused actions
Actions that are not used in a workflow are automatically upgraded to align with the latest API specifications.
Actions in unpublished workflows
Minor API changes (e.g. addition of an optional field)
The action is automatically upgraded and a backup of the workflow’s previous revision is created.
Major API changes (e.g. introduction of a required field)
The action is automatically upgraded, but the new specifications require manual configuration to ensure that the workflow remains functional. This type of upgraded action is highlighted with a red icon.
A backup of the workflow’s previous revision is also available.
Actions in published workflows
In case of API changes that could disrupt workflow execution, users receive an email notification allowing them to make the necessary adjustments and avoid potential execution failures.