
Data Storage

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.


This article covers the practical aspects of data storage at Phrase. The legal aspects are covered by our Terms of Service and the security aspects are covered by our Security Statement.

Data in the Recycle Bin

Data in the recycle bin is stored for 30 days and is consequently deleted permanently. The recycle bin can also be purged immediately if required.

Project Storage

  • Projects that are inactive (no new jobs added or current jobs not updated) for 12 months are automatically deleted by the system (a warning message will be displayed 6 months prior to its deletion on the project page). When a project is deleted, the project’s jobs, analyses, and reference files are also deleted and will be stored for 30 days in the recycle bin after which they will be permanently deleted. The translation memories and term bases selected for the project are not deleted.

  • Lifetime of shared projects is controlled by criteria from the buyer's end. Once a shared project is no longer available in the buyer's profile, it also disappears from the vendor's organization.

  • The Privacy Notice details how other data is stored.

Extending the Project Lifetime

The creation of a new job within a project or the modification to the underlying job file (manually or via API) within a project extends the project lifetime.

Project Age Definition

A project's age (how old a project is) is based on the project creation date.

Translation Memory Storage

With a few exceptions, translation memories are stored permanently until the end of your contract with us, unless deleted by users.

Deletion of Translation Memories from Expired and Unused Profiles

Translation memories are deleted from Phrase profiles that have expired for at least 6 months (the user account has not been logged into for at least 6 months while the organization's subscription remains active).

Deletion Process:

  • If a profile has been expired for at least 6 months, the administrator user of the expired profile will be notified by email that the profile’s translation memories will be moved to the profile’s recycle bin.

  • The administrator user can disregard the message and the translation memories will be deleted permanently from the recycle bin after 30 days. To avoid deletion, the administrator user may log into the profile, extend the subscription and restore the translation memories from the profile’s recycle bin.

For the avoidance of doubt, the deletion of user profiles and any content within the user profile after the end of organization's contract with Phrase, is governed by our data retention policies and in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Term Base Storage

The policy for term base storage is the same as the policy for translation memory storage.

Data Backup

Phrase carries out a system-wide data backup on a daily basis. Users may back up data in the following ways:

Manual Data Backup

To backup essential project data, download the following:

  • Original files

  • MXLIFF files (or a single MXLIFF joined file)

  • Completed files

Automated Data Backup

Users with the Ultimate edition and higher can use Phrase APIs  to automate data backup.

Strings Data

Project data

Given the repository character of Phrase Strings, all project-related data is stored permanently unless deleted by users. This includes but is not limited to: Spaces, Project settings, Screenshots, Uploaded files, Orders, Comments, Branches, Jobs, OTA distributions.


Webhook delivery data is automatically deleted after 30 days.


In-app notifications are automatically deleted after 90 days.

Async downloads

Asynchronous locale file exports are stored for 3 days and then deleted automatically.

Data backup

We encourage users to leverage Phrase Strings API in order to regularly download essential project data:

  • Locale files

  • Custom metadata

  • Term bases (terms, translations)

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