
Data Centers

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Phrase currently uses servers based in two different locations: (1) a EU data center is hosted on Amazon AWS located in Ireland (eu-west-1), and (2) a US data center hosted on Amazon AWS in the United States (us-east-1). Each data center operates as a separate cloud infrastructure. These are referred to those as the European Union and the United States data centers and their home URLs are:




Phrase TMS

This will in time be changed from memsource to phrase.

This will in time be changed from memsource to phrase.

Phrase Strings

Phrase Platform

New organizations can choose their preferred data center location during the sign-up process. After signing up, accessing a different data center requires creating a new subscription in that data center.

Note that Phrase does not provide a commitment to keep a customer’s data within a particular jurisdiction at all times, even if a customer elects a preferred data center location. Phrase operates an international business with personnel and service providers based in various different countries.

For example, Phrase Language AI makes available the services of certain machine translation engine providers, who may use their own data centers based in different locations. Those machine translation providers may not be able to guarantee that the customer’s data will remain within a particular jurisdiction. Customers looking to limit the transfer of their data to another region should only use machine translation engines with the tag Data region policy, and turn off all MT engines that do not have this data region restriction.

The service up-time and performance metrics are published on

The functionality of both instances is identical, except for the following:

Not available in the US data center

For IP addresses the servers use, refer to Phrase Servers IP Addresses.

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