Translation Management

Spaces (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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Spaces provide an organizational structure for projects. Spaces can be created for project types, specific people or groups, platforms or anything else that helps with viewing many projects.

The creator of a space is the initial space owner but this can be changed by Administrators from the dropdown list beside the name of an open space. Space owners can add or remove users from a space.

Users and glossaries can also be applied to spaces so that any projects included in that space share those resources.

Create a Space

To create a space, follow these steps:

  1. Click Plus_Add.png at the top of the Spaces column.

    The Create new space window opens.

  2. Provide a name for the space.

  3. Click Create new space.

    The new space is added to the column.

Projects can be added to or removed from spaces by either drag and drop, clicking on the space name to open the Add projects to the new Space pane or from the More menu. Spaces can be renamed from the More menu.

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