
Jira (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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Jira tickets are created and updated according to the related Strings job. Comments in Strings jobs are also reflected in Jira tickets.

If using custom required fields in Jira tickets, this integration cannot be used to create tickets. Tickets will need to be created in Jira first and then the URL is pasted in the job draft.


Strings supports only the cloud version of Jira and Story issues. Other types of Jira issues require additional mandatory fields that are not supported.

Job updates for existing Jira tickets

With the integration in place, fields are available on the Update Job page to enter the URL of existing Jira tickets requiring translation or review.

If there is only one Jira ticket for both translation and review tasks, enter the URL in both input fields. Status updates for this job will now be synced to the corresponding ticket(s).


  • Logged in to a Jira account with at least one active project and board.


To setup the integration, follow these steps:

  1. From the Integrations page, scroll down to Jira Integration and click Configure.

    The Jira authorization page opens.

  2. Click Accept to authorize the creation of issues in the project.

Generate Jira Tickets

Generated Jira tickets are based on translation or review jobs. At least one translator or reviewer should be assigned to the job for the ticket to be created.

To generate Jira tickets, follow these steps:

  1. From the Integrations page, scroll down to Jira Integration and click Configure.

    The Jira Integration configuration page opens.

  2. Select a Jira project from the dropdown list.

  3. Add Phrase projects from the dropdown list.

  4. Select the type of job event that triggers the creation of Jira tickets.

  5. Select the type of job Jira tickets are created for.

  6. Click Save.

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