
Libraries and Tools (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Tools and libraries used to integrate into applications.


The command-line tool is provided as a self-contained binary for macOS, Linux and Windows. It provides command-line functionality for accessing the API, as well as pushing and pulling translation files.

macOS | Linux | Windows | CLI v2 | API | OpenAPI


phrase-ruby is a Ruby gem that provides interaction with the API. It provides a client for accessing Phrase programmatically within applications.

Ruby | Rails | Sinatra | API | OpenAPI

phraseapp-In-Context Editor-ruby

The phraseapp-In-Context Editor-ruby gem enables the In-Context Editor for Ruby and Rails applications.

Ruby | Rails | i18n | Sinatra | API


phrase-go is a library for the Phrase API written in Golang.

Golang | API | OpenAPI


phrase-java is a library for the API written in Java.

Java | API | OpenAPI


phrase-js is a library for the API written in TypeScript.

TypeScript | API | OpenAPI


phrase-php is a  library for the API written in PHP.



phrase-python is a library for the API written in Python.

Python | API | OpenAPI

Android Studio Plug-In

Manage translations in Android Studio projects with the Plug-In for Android Studio.


Microsoft Visual Studio Plug-In

Integrates Phrase into Visual Studio. Works with any Windows Store app, including Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Grid and Surface Hub apps ("Metro").

Windows | Windows Phone | Visual Studio


Integrate the In-Context Editor into React applications that use react-i18next.

JavaScript | React | i18next | react-i18next


Integrate the In-Context Editor into React applications that use react-intl.

JavaScript | React | react-intl


Enable the Phrase In-Context Editor for apps using angular-translate.

JavaScript | AngularJS | angular-translate


Enable the Phrase In-Context Editor for Angular (2+) apps using ngx-translate.

JavaScript | AngularJS | ngx-translate


Connect to the RubyMotion application.

Ruby | RubyMotion | iOS | OS X


Connect to the Django application and enable the Phrase In-Context Editor for Python web applications.

Python | Django


Connects to Phrase and integrates the In-Context Editor into apps.

PHP | Symfony2


Connect Phrase to Flask applications and enable the In-Context Editor for the Flask app.

Python | Flask


Connect EmberJS apps and integrate the In-Context Editor into apps.

JavaScript | EmberJS


This Ruby gem provides the extraction of plain strings from .slim views and Rails controllers to replace them with I18n's t() method.

Ruby | Slim | Rails | i18n

OpenAPI Specification

The OpenAPI specification describes Phrase APIs in a standard, programming language-agnostic way that allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service. Use to generate custom client libraries for over 20 different programming languages.


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