Translation Management

Tags (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Tags can be attached to keys with meaningful labels to always keep them well organized. Generally, tags are useful to track which keys belong to a certain feature or section of a project to allow translating and reviewing more efficiently.

Adding tags to a project

Allowed characters for tag names are letters, numbers, underscore, dash.

There are several methods to add new tags to existing projects:

  • Tagging keys upon file upload:

    Provide a single or multiple tags to the relevant field. Tags are automatically added to all additional keys (or updated) in the uploaded file.

    If uploading a .CSV or .XLSX file, tags can be assigned to individual keys via a separate column in the file:

    1. Click on the Proceed to preview button in the Upload file page.

      The Preview page is displayed.

    2. Select the Tags label from the drop-down menu above the relevant column in the preview.

    3. Click on Import at the bottom left to finish uploading the tagged keys.

  • Tagging keys manually:

    1. From the Keys page of the project, click Phrase_Gear.png for the key requiring tagging.

      The Edit key window opens.

    2. Type one or multiple keys in the Tags field.

    3. Click on Save to apply the changes.

    The same procedure can also be performed in the translation editor through the Edit key feature.

  • Batch tagging keys:

    1. From the Keys page of the project, select multiple keys.

    2. Type a single or multiple tags in the input field at the top of the key list.

    3. Click on Add tags.

      All tags are added to the selection of keys.

    The same procedure can also be performed in the translation editor through available batch actions.

  • Adding single tags:

    Single or multiple tags can also be added without yet assigning them to keys. To add tags, click the Add tag button on the Tags page of the project.

Managing tags

Use the tags page of the project to manage relevant tags. To enter the tags page, select More/Tags tab from the project page.

The tags page allows to search for tags in the list, filter them by specific types (system or custom) and sort them in various ways.

Click on Phrase_Gear.png at the right of the selected tag to edit its name.

Click on languages_bin.jpg at the right of the selected tag to delete it. Use the same option at the top of the tag list to delete a selection of tags.

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