Supported File Types (Strings)

.TS - Qt Translation Source (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

File Extensions 


API Extension 






Plural forms support 


Description support 


An XML-based standard localization file format for QT applications. Translations are typically placed in the <translation> tag. Each <translation> tag may have different type properties including unfinished, vanished, obsolete, etc.  Ensure type=’unfinished’ is added to tags where strings are to be translated.

Code Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TS version="2.0" language="en-GB">
      <translation>--- true
      <translation>This key has a description! (At least in some formats)</translation>
      <translation>This translations contains
a line-break.</translation>
      <translation>I'm a deeply nested key.</translation>
      <translation>See, this key is nested inside a namespace.</translation>
    <message numerus="yes">
        <numerusform>Only one pluralization found.</numerusform>
        <numerusform>Hey, you have %s pluralizations!</numerusform>
        <numerusform>You have no pluralization.</numerusform>
- first item
- second item
- third item
      <translation>Simple key, simple message, so simple.</translation>
      <translation>This translation is not yet verified and waits for it. (In some formats we also export this status)</translation>
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