Supported File Types (Strings)

JS EmberJS - Nested JSON (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

File Extensions


API Extension






Plural forms support


Description support


ember-i18n on Github

Code Sample

export default {
  "boolean_key": "--- true\n",
  "empty_string_translation": "",
  "key_with_description": "Check it out! This key has a description! (At least in some formats)",
  "key_with_line-break": "This translations contains\na line-break.",
  "nested": {
    "deeply": {
      "key": "Wow, this key is nested even deeper."
    "key": "This key is nested inside a namespace."
  "null_translation": null,
  "pluralized_key": {
    "one": "Only one pluralization found.",
    "other": "Wow, you have %s pluralizations!",
    "zero": "You have no pluralization."
  "sample_collection": [
    "first item",
    "second item",
    "third item"
  "simple_key": "Just a simple key with a simple message.",
  "unverified_key": "This translation is not yet verified and waits for it. (In some formats we also export this status)"

Plurals for JSON files

The most common format of plural key messages on various libraries:

"messages": {
    "one": "One message received.",
    "other": "%s messages received.",
    "zero": "No messages received."
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