
Create a Workflow

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

This is a sample use case for creating a workflow and covers most aspects of the procedure.

Workflow templates give more examples of different kinds of workflows.

To create a Strings workflow in Orchestrator that creates a job when a file is uploaded to a project and contains the keys affected by the upload, follow these steps:

  1. (Optional) Create a working folder.

    1. From the Create menu, select Folder.

      The New folder window opens.

    2. Provide a name for the folder and click Save.

      The folder is listed on the Workflows page.

    3. Click the folder name to open it.

  2. Create a workflow.

    1. From the Create menu, select Workflow.

      The New Workflow window opens.

      Optionally attach an existing .JSON file to automatically create a workflow. The description will be taken from the file.

    2. Provide a Name and Description for the new workflow.

    3. Click Save.

      The new workflow is listed on the Workflows page.


    A library of common templates is also available for creating workflows.

  3. Define a workflow.

    1. Click on the workflow name to open it.

      The workflow opens in the Editor tab.

    2. Provide an event that the workflow should be listening for.

      For this sample procedure, the history-orange.svguploads:create event will be used and is the event that occurs once a file has been uploaded and processed in a Strings project.

      From the Events tab on the Workflow blocks window, search for the word uploads.

      Listed events are both TMS and Strings webhooks.

    3. Drag and drop the history-orange.svguploads:create block on to the first workflow step.

      The step is created and details are presented in the Overview tab on the right of the window.

      The name of the block can be changed to something in normal language that describes what the block does.

    4. Provide an action to the workflow. For this sample procedure the circle-blue.svgFetch access tokens action will be used for authentication (it fetches access tokens during runtime).

      From the Actions tab on the Workflow blocks window, search for phrase.

      A list of events is presented in the tab.

    5. Drag and drop the language-blue.svgFetch access tokens action block below the history-orange.svguploads:create trigger to connect them.

    6. After authentication, a function can be provided. For this sample procedure, locales from a Strings project will be listed.

      From the Actions tab on the Workflow blocks window, search for list locales.

      A list of events is presented in the tab.

    7. Drag and drop the language-blue.svgList locales action block below the language-blue.svgFetch access tokens action to connect them.

    8. The list of locales will need to be filtered for the purposes of the example. The circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action will be used for this.

      From the Actions tab on the Workflow blocks window, search for Transform JSON with jq.

    9. Drag and drop the circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action block below the language-blue.svgList locales action to connect them.

    10. A job can now be created with the results of the workflow. For the purposes of the example, a Strings job will be created.

      From the Actions tab on the Workflow blocks window, search for create a job.

    11. Drag and drop the work-blue.svgCreate a job action block below the circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action to connect them.

    12. Every action can have conditions defined with logical AND and OR statements to create more outputs. For the purposes of the example, two target locales will result from the work-blue.svgCreate a job action.

      Drag and drop the circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action block below the work-blue.svgCreate a job action to connect them.

      Drag and drop another circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action block onto the work-blue.svgCreate a job action to add another branch.

      These actions will run in parallel.

    13. Dependent on the conditions set in the work-blue.svgCreate a job action, a locale will be created based on the result of the circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action.

      Drag and drop a work-blue.svgAdd a target locale to a job action block below each circle-blue.svgTransform JSON with jq action to connect them.

    14. Once a job locale is created, the job can be started.

      Drag and drop the work-blue.svgStart a job action block below a work-blue.svgCreate a job action to connect them. From the second work-blue.svgCreate a job action, drag the connector dot to the work-blue.svgStart a job action.

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