Translation Memories (TMS)

Create a Translation Memory

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

To create a translation memory, follow these steps:

  1. Translation memories can be created from three places:

    • Click the plus new_template.jpeg icon beside Translation memories in the left hand navigation panel.

    • Click New TM from the Translation memories page.

    • Click Create new from the Translation memories table on a project page.

    The Create page opens.

  2. Provide a Name.

    Translation memories can be used for multiple projects so the name does not need to be specific for a project.

  3. Provide a Source language.

    The original language of a document.

    Only one source language can be selected per translation memory.

  4. Provide a Target language.

    The languages to be translated into.

    There can be an unlimited number of target languages in a translation memory but a maximum of 10-15 languages is recommended. Less than 30 languages is still manageable, but more than 50 languages causes the TM to become slow and hard to work with.

  5. Provide business information and a note if applicable.

  6. Click Create.

    If created from a project page, the new TM is added to the list on that page.

    If created elsewhere, the new TM page opens.

Click though tutorial on creating translation memories.

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