TMS: Project & job management

Add option to disable non-translatables (NTs)

Current behavior: 

It is not possible to disable non-translatables (NTs) and completely prevent them from being displayed in the Phrase CAT editors.

Available settings offer the option to display or not to display the NT scores, while the editors always get NT results to display. NT matches can be only disabled from pre-translation.

Requested behavior:

Add the option to disable non-translatables (NTs) and completely prevent them from being displayed in the Phrase CAT editors.

Use case:

In some cases, the NT results may be inaccurate and Linguists might find them misleading. 

Available workaround:

Disable NT scores and instruct your Linguists to ignore NT results on the CAT pane. 



  • +1 for this option. Thanks.

  • please. 

  • +1 for this option too please


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