A grammar check should be enabled as one of QA options, to avoid doing the grammar check in an external application.
Introduce a grammar check
A grammar check should be enabled as one of QA options, to avoid doing the grammar check in an external application.
For French, I can recommend Antidote from Druide Informatique (Canadians). I had made the same request years ago during my MemoQ time and they did implement it... ;-)
I second the request for Antidote - both Studio & MemoQ integrate it and it's one of my major sticking points with memsource (that and the fact I can't analyse files as I go to know what's left + the concordance search goes by word rather than phrase and it's not great with fuzzy concordance)
Do you know if this has been accepted as a new option to be included into Memsource?
Hello, thank you for all your suggestions and feedback! We appreciate them!
We currently don't have any news about this feature being accepted. However, if it gathers more upvotes, our Product team might revisit it again.
Thank you for your understanding.
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