TMS: Editors

Refresh button for filtered results in Editor

If a user filters segments, all the results stay in the filtered view, even though the segments might have been edited, and they no longer contain the element they have been filtered for. 
Refresh button would mean that the already confirmed segments would disappear and make space for the unconfirmed segments to be worked on.
Current behavior:
When working with filtered segments, the segments stay in the view even though they have been changed. To refresh the selection, you need to clear the filter, then enter the search criteria again.
Requested behavior:
When working with filtered segments, enable the option to Refresh the filtered view without clearing the settings. A "Refresh" button could be handy.
Use case: 
If a user filters "unconfirmed segments", the segments stay in the filtered view even though they have been confirmed. Refresh button would allow them to remove the already confirmed ones. 


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