TMS: Editors

Allow swap of source and target text column arrangement

Current behavior:

Currently, it is not possible to change the arrangement of the source and target text columns in Memsource Editors.

By default, the source text column is on the left and the target text column is on the right.

Requested behavior:

Add option to have the target text column on the left and the source text column on the right.

Use case:

Some translators tend to prefer this way of working due to better ergonomics.


1 comment

  • Hi Lukáš,

    I would love to have the target text on the left cause it's a significantly better & more comfortable way of translating.
    It's more natural to have the main input "board" (where we write) on the left and the secondary "board" (where we read, check, etc.) on the right.

    Also, in MemSource editor the target and the preview texts are not in one plane.
    The target text starts on the right but the preview text starts on the left side.

    If you'll have the target text with the preview texts both starting on the left side, it'll be easier and more comfortable to translate.



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