TMS: API & webhooks

Add Note or Tag on a job level

At the moment, it's not possible to set custom statuses for jobs. The API call for job status only returns Memsource typical statuses. Rather than requesting a new array of custom statuses, this could be resolved by adding Note or Tag on a job level, so that the API can identify it and the correct action can be triggered even without any major changes to the overall Memsource statuses.

Current behavior:

  • It's not possible to add note or Tag on a job level.

Requested behavior:

  • It's possible to add Note or Tag on a job level.

Use case: 

Job lifecycle that is fully managed via custom app's API. The app has its own workflow/statuses defined. Adding the Note/Tag would allow the client to keep the custom statuses they are used to without significantly changing the Memsource regular statuses. 



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