Translation Management

Linked Keys (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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Key linking allows to establish a link between two or more translation keys across different projects to prevent repetitive translations and reviews on identical content. 

Linking keys with plural forms is only possible if both the parent and the child keys support plural forms. Changing the plural form configuration of linked keys removes the existing link.

Keys are linked through a parent-child relationship:

  • Parent key

    The key that users establish a link to. Whenever the parent key's value changes, any linked child keys are automatically updated based on the parent's content and state.

    Users can edit the content and state of a parent key only in the Strings editor.

  • Child key(s)

    The key that links to its parent and is automatically updated whenever its parent changes.

    Upon link creation and on parent key update, the state of child keys is inherited from the parent key, as per the translation workflow that has been configured for the child keys:

    • Parent key is verified/translated/reviewed

      Child keys are set to translated (basic workflow) or reviewed (advanced workflow).

    • Parent key is unverified/ready for review

      Child keys get unverified.


    Parent key translations are distributed to child keys only for languages existing both on the parent and the child keys.

    A child key cannot be updated on its own as long as it is linked to a parent key.

    The child key's word count equals to the parent's key word count. Any character limit set for the child keys is ignored.


Due to continuous improvements, the user interface may not be exactly the same as presented in the video.

Different user roles can access linked keys using the Linked keys page and the Strings editor based on their specific permissions:

  • Owners and administrators have full access to create, edit and delete linked keys. They can also update parent key content in the Strings editor.

  • PMs can create, edit and delete only their own linked keys in assigned projects.

  • Developers, designers and translators can display linked keys, their metadata, and update parent key's content in the Strings editor for projects they have access to.

  • Guests can only view linked keys of their assigned projects in the Strings editor.

Use Cases 

  • Same product content distributed across different platforms, such as Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop

    Linked keys can help synchronize updates or changes made to content on one platform across all others automatically.

  • Content updates managed between different versions

    Using one project as a parent with one or multiple child projects to link the keys with can help maintain changes to all or a subset of keys from one project.

  • Same product content distributed across different countries, departments, markets

    By establishing links between parent projects and the projects distributed across different countries, departments or markets, changes are managed from one place to ensure consistent messaging and information.

Linked Keys Page

The Linked keys page is accessible by selecting Linked keys from the left-side navigation panel.

Parent and child keys are presented in a table with relevant information:

  • The status icon next to a parent key refers to the translation status of the parent's default locale.

  • Hovering over a key name displays its project and space.

  • Clicking on a linked key opens the View link window to preview the link.

Search and Filter Linked Keys

Use the search field at the top of the page to filter the list of parent keys by name or by their source content.

To filter parent keys based on their translation status, click on the Status dropdown menu and select one or multiple states.

To display only keys from specific projects, click on the Parent projects or Child projects dropdown menu and select one or multiple projects to filter the list of parent keys or child keys respectively.

Use the Space filter to display only keys belonging to a certain space. Filtering keys by space overrides any additional search filter applied to the list.

Add Linked Keys

Linked keys can only be added by:

  • Owners

  • Admins

  • Project managers (in assigned or own projects)

To add a new linked key, follow these steps:

  1. Select + New link at the top right of the Linked keys page.

    The Create new link window is displayed.

    Linked keys can also be created in the sidebar of the Strings editor.

  2. Start typing the parent key name or content and select it from the dropdown list.

    • Only keys from the main branch are presented.

    • Existing linked keys cannot be selected. Optionally, enable the Hide existing linked keys option to hide existing parent and child keys from the list.

    • Searching by key content applies to default locale only.

  3. Select the child keys using the Link child keys field. Optionally, type the child key name or content to narrow down the list.

    • Only keys from the main branch are presented.

    • Existing linked keys cannot be selected. Optionally, enable the Hide existing linked keys option to hide existing parent and child keys from the list.

    • Searching by key content applies to default locale only.

  4. Click Save.

    The newly created link is added to the list of linked keys. Parent and child keys are updated accordingly in the Strings editor.

Edit and Delete Linked Keys

Existing links can only be edited and removed by:

  • Owners

  • Admins

  • Project managers (on assigned or own projects)

Once created, linked keys can be edited by selecting Edit key links from the More options more.jpeg menu. In the Edit link window, the parent key is locked and cannot be changed. Use the Link child keys field to add or remove child keys for the selected parent key.


Relinking to another parent is available through options in the sidebar of the Strings editor.

To delete a linked key and unlink all child keys from a parent key, follow these steps:

  1. Select Delete all key links from the More options more.jpeg menu.

    The Delete all key links window is displayed.

  2. Select the desired option to manage child keys content upon link deletion:

    • Keep content in the child keys

      Existing child keys will get unverified, but their content does not change.

    • Remove content from the child keys

      Existing child keys will get untranslated.

  3. Click on Delete link.

    The linked key is removed from the Linked keys page. All child keys are unlinked.

Existing key links are broken by default if the parent key is deleted.

Linked keys can also be edited and deleted in the sidebar of the Strings editor.

Import and Export Linked Keys

Import parent keys

Linked keys can be added upon file upload in the Languages tab of the project page.

When importing a new file, select the Update translations option. The parent key content will be updated and changes will be distributed to child keys. Child keys inherit the parent key's state as per the translation workflow that has been configured for the child keys:

  • Parent key is verified/translated/reviewed

    Child keys are set to translated (basic workflow) or reviewed (advanced workflow).

  • Parent key is unverified/ready for review

    Child keys get unverified.

Existing child keys in the imported file are ignored.

Export linked keys

Linked keys can be exported upon file download in the Languages tab of the project page.

When exporting one or more language files, child keys content is automatically updated using their parent key's translations.

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