File Import Settings

.DITA - Darwin Information Typing Architecture (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

An XML data model for authoring and publishing. It is a standard format that is defined and maintained by the OASIS DITA Technical Committee.

Tag content of source file can be visualized in the Editor by clicking Expand tags under the Tags heading in the Edit menu and edited by clicking F2.

File Types

  • .DITA


Import Options

Default settings are as per DITA format standards.

  • Add translatable elements

    Default translatable elements will be imported.

  • Add non-translatable elements

    Default non-translatable elements will be skipped.

  • Add translatable inline elements

    Default translatable inline elements will be imported.

  • Add non-translatable inline elements

    Default non-translatable inline elements will be imported.

  • Convert to Phrase tags

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