File Import Settings

.CSV - Comma Separated Values (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

In-context preview can only be generated for a maximum of 200 columns in an imported file. Files with more than 200 columns will display the warning In-context preview was not generated. This limit does not apply to the columns that are marked Hidden in the original file.

File Types

  • .CSV

Import Options

  • Use HTML subfilter 

    Imports HTML tags contained in the file. Tags can then be used with HTML File Import Settings.

  • Column delimiter

    Fields in CSV files are usually separated by commas or semicolons, but other delimiters may also be used. Set which delimiter has been used.

  • Import specific columns only

    File may contain columns with text that does not require translation. Specify which columns are to be imported.

  • Import specific rows only

    File may contain rows with text that does not require translation. Specify which rows are to be imported.

  • Context key (column) 

    Specify a context key that is saved with the segment to the translation memory and used for match context.

  • Context note (column)

    Columns are set as context notes (1,2). Notes will be displayed on separate lines.

  • Maximum length (column) 

    Sets the maximum length of the translation. For more columns, enter numbers separated by commas with no spaces (1,2,3). The character limit for each segment is displayed on the Context note pane inside the editor. Any character exceeding the limit is highlighted in red.

    If a cell is split to more segments, the maximum length limit will be checked for each segment separately.

Multilingual CSV file

Multilingual files are imported as multiple bilingual jobs with languages mapped before import. They are represented with multilingual_xlsx.png in the Jobs Table. If imported into several target languages, the Completed file is composed of all target languages.

When creating a job, if the file has standard language codes in the first row and the file type is set as auto-detect, it will be auto-detected as multilingual and be imported as separate jobs. Auto-detection is not applied to jobs imported from repositories.

Multilingual CSV files are only processed correctly if the columns for each target language is present in the source file. If a column for one or more target languages is missing, the job(s) for the corresponding language(s) are imported as empty.

  • Use HTML subfilter 

    Imports HTML tags contained in the file. Tags can then be used with .HTML file import settings.

  • Segment multilingual CSV

    Text is segmented by a general segmentation rule rather than one segment per cell.


    Applying Segment multilingual CSV to a file that contains target text may result in a different number of segments in the source than in the target.

  • Set segment status of non-empty target 

    Select default confirmation status and whether confirmed segments are automatically added to TM.

  • Source (column) 

    Use numbers. For more columns, enter numbers separated by commas with no spaces (1,2,3).

  • Import specific rows only 

    Enter rows to be imported (1,4,7).

  • Context key (column) 

    Specify a context key that is saved with the segment to the translation memory and used for match context.

  • Context note (column) 

    Columns are set as context notes (2,3). Notes will be displayed on separate lines.

  • Maximum length (column) 

    Sets the maximum length of the translation. For more columns, enter numbers separated by commas with no spaces (1,2,3).

  • Convert to Phrase TMS tags 

    Apply regular expressions to convert specified text to tags.

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