File Import Settings


Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Tag content of source file can be visualized in the Editor by clicking Expand tags under the Tags heading in the Edit menu and edited by clicking F2.


Issues with tags are a common cause of export errors. Always ensure tags and formatting are correct before exporting files by running quality assurance checks.

All elements have at least the following translatable attributes: title, aria-labelaria-valuetext.

Non standard html tags are:

  • ignored - separate paragraphs are created when Convert non-HTML tags to Phrase tags is set to false.

    • Standard ignored html tags: basebasefontcanvascolgroupframeset, linkobjectscriptstyle

  • Imported as single (non-translatable) inline tags when Convert non-HTML tags to Phrase tags is true

Some elements have more attributes: <img> has alt, but <a> does not as alt is not a standard attribute for <a>

See HTML elements reference for standard attributes and use of HTML entities.

File Types

  • .HTML

  • .HTM

Import Options

  • Break tag (<br/>) creates new segment

  • Convert non-HTML tags to Phrase tags

    Converts tags which are not defined as HTML. If there are invalid tags, the system skips them and parses the rest.


    <html> Test simple <unknown/>html.</html>

    Non-HTML tags will be processed as Phrase tags and imported as Test simple {1}html.

    <html> Test simple <% unknown %>html.</html>

    Invalid variable (<% unknown %>) causes the parsing to get broken. The broken part will be treated as a non-translatable and the editor will show Test simple, html.

  • Import comments

    Imports standalone comments as tags. Inline comments (inside paragraphs) are always imported as tags.

  • Preserve whitespaces

  • Update language declaration in completed files

    All language declarations in the completed HTML files are updated with a proper language code.

  • Disable escaping of entities

    Disables escaping of < and & entities in completed files.

  • Exclude elements

    A list of HTML tags separated by commas that should not be imported for translation.

  • Convert to Phrase TMS tags 

    Apply regular expressions to convert specified text to tags.

  • Character entities to Phrase tags

    Enter a list of character entities that will be converted into tags during translation. These are exported to the translated document in the same form as they are present in the source file.


    if &nbsp; is converted into a Phrase tag, the same entity (&nbsp;) will be preserved in the exported document.

  • Translatable meta tags

    Use a regular expression to specify attributes in <meta> tags to import their content. This is available only for <meta> tags with the attribute name="description" or name="keywords" and attributes="property".

  • Translatable attributes

    A list of HTML tags separated by commas that indicate translatable attributes.

  • Non-translatable inline elements

    A list of HTML tags separated by commas that indicate non-translatable inline elements.

  • Translatable inline elements

    A list of HTML tags separated by commas that indicate translatable inline elements.

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