File Import Settings


Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

File Types

  • .TXT

Import Options

  • Translatable text

    Users can use Regexp to specify what lines should be imported.

  • Convert to Phrase TMS tags 

    Apply regular expressions to convert specified text to tags.


    Issues with tags are a common cause of export errors. Always ensure tags and formatting are correct before exporting files by running quality assurance checks.

  • Context key

    Specify a context key that is saved with the segment to the translation memory and used for match context.

  • Use regexp capturing groups

    With this option enabled, only the grouped parts of the regular expressions in the above fields will be processed.


    If the .TXT file contains this string:

    xyz, First value, abc, Second value


    • Translatable text regexp is: ^[^,]+, ([^,]+), [^,]+, ([^,]+)$

    • Translatable text regexp is: ^[^,]+, ([^,]+), [^,]+, ([^,]+)$


    • 1st segment will be First value with context key xyz

    • 2nd segment will be Second value with context key abc

    This option does not affect the functionality of convert to Phrase tags, i. e. using groups in that field will not limit the tag conversion to the grouped code part.

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