File Import Settings

Word Processor Documents - MS Word based (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Text set to Hidden in the file will not be imported. In addition, bullets are not imported for translation, but they are seen in the in-context preview. A source document containing track changes is going to be imported as if all changes are accepted. Documents created from conversion of .PDF or any other format can contain a lot of formatting differences, it is recommended to check the format upon export from Phrase.

AI chatbots can be very effective at identifying format problems in .XML based files.

Embedded objects will trigger a warning that they will not be translated.

File Types

  • .DOC

  • .DOCX

  • .DOT

  • .DOTX

  • .DOCM

  • .DOTM

  • .RTF

OpenOffice or LibreOffice documents (.ODT, .ODS, or .ODP) are supported, but saving them in MS Office format before importing is recommended.

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are automatically converted to .DOCX, .XLSX, or .PPTX, when imported via the Google Drive connector.

Import Options

  • Import index entries

  • Import comments

  • Import hyperlink target

    Changes where an imported link leads.


    Change to when translating to German.

  • Minimize number of tags

    Ignores smaller formatting differences that may be present in scanned documents.


    May remove required formatting and change target font.

  • Import document properties

    Can be added/modified in MS Word under File - Info - Properties - Advanced Properties.

  • Import hidden text

  • Import other text

    Extract special values/names/attributes of the file which are not usually translatable.

  • Import headers and footers

  • Target font

    Specifies the font of the text used in the translated file.

  • Convert to Phrase TMS tags 

    Apply regular expressions to convert specified text to tags.


    Issues with tags are a common cause of export errors. Always ensure tags and formatting are correct before exporting files by running quality assurance checks.

Import Warnings

Some fields cannot be imported for translation and if an imported file contains these fields, they are indicated with yellow_warning.jpgon the jobs table. If displayed, the Project manager should review the file and decide which fields are required for translation outside the document.

To locate these fields, open the document and click F11. Switch between field code and field text with Alt+F9-Windows Opt+F9-Mac. For conversions, select the field and Ctrl+Shift+F9-Windows Cmd+Shift+F9-Mac to make the field behave as regular text.

These fields include:

  • Table of Contents

    This will not be imported for translation. Update it in the translated file with the Update Table function.

  • Index Entries

    Import using the Import index entries option. This is set by default and will automatically be updated once the translated file is opened.

  • Cross-reference

    Updated automatically when the translated file is opened in the document editor.

  • Embedded Objects

Import warnings are not displayed for:

  • Hyperlinks

    Tooltips are automatically imported for translation. The target URL can be imported with the Import hyperlink target option.

  • Page numbers

    Not imported and automatically updated.

  • Footnotes

  • Comments

  • Text boxes

  • Bookmarks

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Symbols

  • Equations.

Excluding Formatted Text

In this example, highlighted text is excluded from the imported file but the same procedure can be applied to other formatted text.

To exclude highlighted text, follow these steps:

  1. Open the document in a word processing application and hide all the highlighted text using find and replace functions.

    1. Use the find function to select all text formatted with highlighting.

    2. Use the replace function to change the formatting to hidden.

    3. Save the file.

  2. Ensure the Import hidden text option is disabled in the MS Word section of file import settings.

  3. Import the file into Phrase TMS.

    The highlighted text is excluded from the import.

If required, the text can then be unhidden in the completed and downloaded file.

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