
Amazon S3 (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) is a service that provides object storage through a web service interface. Amazon S3 can be employed to store any type of object, which allows for uses like storage for Internet applications, backup and recovery, disaster recovery, data archives, data lakes for analytics, and hybrid cloud storage.

Authentication uses S3 Cross-Account IAM Roles linked to a Phrase IAM role. Prepare the Phrase and S3 settings in parallel as they use information from each others settings. Amazon provides more information on complex roles settings and functionalities.

When connected, access is given to all buckets the logged in user has access to.

Use Cases

There are a number of use cases for the connector:

  • Project managers can add files directly to projects from an online repository.

  • Set up the submitter portal to allow Submitters to add files to requests directly from the online repository.

  • Use automated project creation (APC) to have new projects automatically created when a change in the last modified date is detected for monitored files or a folder.

    • Selected files are imported the very first time APC runs. All files are imported when a folder is monitored.

    • This connector supports absolute path setting.

  • Set up continuous jobs to have selected files monitored for changes.

Amazon S3 Settings

  1. Login to the AWS management console.

  2. Create a bucket.

    1. Navigate to Amazon S3, Buckets, and click Create bucket.

      The Create bucket page opens.

    2. Provide a name for the bucket and keep the default settings.

  3. Create an IAM role using a custom trust policy.

    1. Navigate to IAM, Role and click Create role.

    2. On the Select trustred entity page, select Custom trust policy.

    3. Use the Phrase IAM role as displayed in TMS settings for the Principal.

    4. From the Add permissions window, select the AmazonS3FullAccess policy.

    5. From the Name, review, and create window, apply the name for the bucket in the Role name field.

    6. Click Create role.

  4. Use the role name for the Your Cross-Account IAM Role field in TMS settings.

Minimum permission settings must include the following actions:

  • s3:PutObject

  • s3:GetObject

  • s3:ListAllMyBuckets

  • s3:ListBucket

Phrase TMS Settings

  1. From the Settings Setup_gear.png page, scroll down to the Integrations section.

  2. Click on Connectors.

    The Connectors page opens.

  3. Click New connector.

    The Create connector page opens.

  4. Provide a name for the connection and change the Type to Amazon S3 .

  5. Select Authentication type.

    Default is Cross-Account IAM Role. Access key is only available for customers already using it and needing to make a change to that setting. It is recommended that customers still using Access key, change to Cross-Account IAM Role.

  6. Provide Cross-Account IAM Role.

  7. Use the presented Phrase IAM role for the Amazon S3 settings and use the role as setup in Amazon S3 settings for the Your Cross-Account IAM Role field.

  8. Click Test connection.

    • If successful, a small checkmark appears next to the Test connection button.

  9. Click Save.

    The connector is added to the list on the Connectors page.

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