File Import Settings

.PDF - Portable Document Format (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

.PDF files can be media-rich and have security features making them difficult to work with in external applications. It is recommended to work with the source material used to create the .PDF.

File Types

  • .PDF

Import Options

  • Filter

    • Default

      Only for analysis purposes and file size is limited to 100 MB. If an imported .PDF file is translated, output will only be in the form of an unformatted text file. A warning will be displayed in the jobs table concerning the translation of .PDF files.

    • TransPDF

      The import of .PDF files for translation purposes is through an integration with TransPDF and requires an account with TransPDF. The download of completed .PDF files is a paid service through TransPDF.

      To integrate with TransPDF, follow these steps:

      1. Create an account with TransPDF.

      2. From the Settings Setup_gear.png page, scroll down to the Integrations section and click on TransPDF.

        The TransPDF page opens.

      3. Provide TransPDF Username and Password.

      4. Click Save.

        Credentials are saved for the integration.


    • When creating jobs via TransPDF, do not use the ampersand (&) character in the filenames. This character causes an Unexpected character error on import.

    • TransPDF's free storage tier allows storage of up to 10 PDF files or 25 MBytes. If an error occurs, log in to the TransPDF account to select and delete some non-work-in-progress PDF files to create more space.

    • The Preview translation function in the editor will download a complete but watermarked file.

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