File Import Settings

.TTX - Trados TagEditor (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

.TTX is a Trados bilingual file format. Phrase will only import those segments from a .TTX file that have been pre-segmented in Trados.

Importing .TTX files into a project is not recommended. These formats are proprietary and are best translated by SDL software. There may be minor or even major incompatibilities when translating Trados bilingual files in non-Trados software.

Features such as pseudo-translation checks are also lost when translating .TTX files.

If there is a trados.ini file attached, ensure it is in the same directory as the .TTX file during pre-segmentation.

File Types

  • .TTX

Import Options

Source and target language codes of the .TTX file must match exactly with the language codes the project. If the .TTX file has en-US as a target language, English-United States must be selected for the project target language and not English. If not exact, Trados Studio may not process the file correctly.

  • Save confirmed segments to TM on import

    Segments imported as Confirmed are saved to the project translation memory in Write mode.

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