
Phrase Data (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Available for

  • Enterprise plan

Get in touch with Sales for licensing questions.

Available for

  • Enterprise plan (Legacy)

Get in touch with Sales for licensing questions.

Cloud data warehouses (such as Snowflake) enable customers to securely access their data through an SQL interface.

Phrase Data displays data relevant to the customer's usage of TMS from the date the customer first subscribed to the solution to the present date. Phrase reserves the right to change the period for which the data is displayed, upon notice to the customer.

Phrase Data integration is valuable if:

  • Internal data analysts evaluate translation data.

  • Using a Business Intelligence tool.

  • Requiring a more granular view of translation workflow and data.

Full technical documentation about Phrase Data integration.

Contact your dedicated customer success manager to gain access to Phrase Data.

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