Human translation engines are hybrid AI/Human translation services. Phrase can use these platforms in the same manner as machine translation engines.
Supported Engines:
To set up a human translation engine, follow these steps:
Only segments with empty target are sent for human translation. Pre-translate 101% and 100% matches from the TM first and only send the rest of the segments for human translation.
If the job contains many repetitions, lock all repetitions excepting the first to exclude them from human translation. This saves on translation costs and increases translation consistency.
To submit a job, follow these steps:
From the jobs table, select job(s) for human translation.
Click Pre-translate and select .
window opens. -
. Hover over the information iconto display information about the selected engine.
Options for the selected engine are displayed.
Click Translate.
The job is submitted and a spinning icon indicates the translation is in process. It can take 30 minutes or longer for the translated file to be received.
See Gengo or Unbabel documentation for more help and payment options.