CAT Editors

Tracking Changes (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

There are a few methods for tracking changes in the editor.

The track changes filter

To display segments that were changed between your current workflow step and the previous ones with the Show changes filter, follow these steps:

  1. Click the arrow Menu_Triangle.png by the Filter source text field.

    The filter options are presented.

  2. Click Changes in workflow step.

    The Changes in workflow step options are displayed.

  3. Select changes to be displayed and click the arrow Menu_Triangle.png to close filter options.

    Selected changes are displayed.

The changes pane

The translation changes pane at the bottom right displays all translation versions that are available in other workflow steps.

To override the existing translation with another version, double-click on the preferred translation version.

Track changes in external text editors

Convert .MXLIFF files in to bilingual .DOCX files and open them in a preferred text editor to use their native compare/track changes features. Save the files and re-import them.

The compare analysis

The compare analysis is available in projects with workflow steps and will compare the amount of changes between files being worked on and other workflow steps.

Changes between MT output and target

Select a machine translation (MT) entry in the CAT panel to display changes between the initial MT output and the final, post-edited translation for confirmed segments.

Export Workflow Changes

Changes in workflow steps can be provided to anyone involved in the translation chain with a summary of the source and all versions of the translations such as translation, revision, and final review. An .HTML table is generated with original text in the first column and a separate column for each workflow step. This summary cannot be shared with providers (Exception: the entire project with all workflow steps is shared with Vendor) but the generated .HTML file can be downloaded and distributed if required.

To export workflow changes, follow these steps:

  1. From a project page, select a job with workflow changes for export.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Export workflow changes.

    A new browser tab opens with the generated .HTML.

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