Our API sees application entities (projects, jobs, settings) as resources that can be retrieved, created, modified, and deleted.
Every HTTP method represents an action:
Retrieves a resource, never changing the resource
Creates a resource. POST is also used for operations that don’t fit into any of the four operations or have long or complex input—like searching translation memories or creating jobs.
Updates the resource. Please note that the whole entity is required with all of its fields, not only those changed; not including it means it should be set to null.
Deletes the resource.
Input and output data are usually in JSON format, UTF-8 encoded. For a file as request body content type application/octet-stream or multipart/form-data is used.
Entities use a flat structure when possible to maintain good response times. Instead of including whole child objects in answers, references that contain the ID, UID, and a few other attributes are contained. Either IDReference or UidReference objects to refer to related entities are expected.
All response lists are paged. Use the parameters pageNumber and pageSize to retrieve requested data. The maximum page size is 50.
OpenAPI 3.0 is used for API documentation. Swagger code generators are recommended for client development.
Raw documentation files:
API Examples
Get list of all translation memories
{ "pageNumber": 0, "content": [ { "internalId": 1, "createdBy": { "userName": "admin", "id": "3", "firstName": "Jan", "lastName": "Janocko", "role": "ADMIN", "email": "jan.janocko@phrase.com" }, "client": null, "note": "not necessary to use in TM", "dateCreated": "2018-01-09T14:07:46+0000", "id": "1", "targetLangs": [ "es", "it" ], "subDomain": null, "businessUnit": { "id": "1", "name": "First BU" }, "sourceLang": "en", "domain": null, "name": "My new TM" } ], "numberOfElements": 1, "totalElements": 1, "pageSize": 50, "totalPages": 1 }
Create new a translation memory
{{ "name": "My new TM", "sourceLang": "en", "targetLangs": [ "es", "it-IT" ], "businessUnit": { "id": "1" }, "note": "not necessary to use in TM" }
{ "internalId": 1, "createdBy": { "userName": "admin", "id": "3", "firstName": "J", "lastName": "Jan", "role": "ADMIN", "email": "jan.j@phrase.com" }, "client": null, "note": "not necessary to use in TM", "dateCreated": "2018-01-09T14:07:46+0000", "id": "1", "targetLangs": [ "es", "it" ], "subDomain": null, "businessUnit": { "id": "1", "name": "First BU" }, "sourceLang": "en", "domain": null, "name": "My new TM" }
Adding Files When Creating a Job
Add this file to the body of the request as a binary attachment. Ensure Phrase and the Content-Disposition headers are correctly inserted.
Sample PHP from Postman:
<?php $request = new HttpRequest(); $request->setUrl('https://cloud.memsource.com/web/api2/v1/projects/%7BUID%20of%20your%20project%7D/jobs'); $request->setMethod(HTTP_METH_POST); $request->setQueryData(array( 'token' => 'Your token goes here' )); $request->setHeaders(array( 'postman-token' => 'ABC', 'cache-control' => 'no-cache', 'content-disposition' => 'filename*=UTF-8''Sample.txt', 'memsource' => '{\\"targetLangs\\":[\\"de\\",\\"fr\\",\\"es\\"],\\"callbackUrl\\":\\"https://my-shiny-service.com/consumeCallback\\",\\"importSettings\\":{\\"uid\\":\\"WF0T1SfSHxII09yKr0dZh9\\"}}' )); try { $response = $request->send(); echo $response->getBody(); } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex; }
Error Handling
If there is a problem when handling an API request, the following JSON structure will be returned. The error code will always be present; the detailed description may be null.
{ "errorCode": "InvalidArguments", "errorDescription": "Required argument \"password\" of type \"string\" is missing." }
An error response can be detected by reading the HTTP status code of the response. If an error occurs, it will never be set to 2xx. The status code is 400 bad request, 401 or 403 for authentication or authorization problems.
Reporting Problems
When reporting problem to Technical Support, includes the following in the report:
API endpoint
Time (and timezone)
Phrase-Action-ID of the response