Users and Roles

Set or Reset Password (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

New Linguist users receive an email with instructions on how to set up a password. If this password is lost or forgotten, a Forgot your password? link is provided when attempting to log in with incorrect credentials.

Users with Administrator or Project manager roles cannot set, reset or see passwords for other users.


If single sign-on is enabled in the organization, emails sent to any newly created users will not include a password generation link as Phrase is being accessed via SSO.

  1. From the Password recovery page, provide your Username or Email and click Send.

    Password recovery instructions will be sent to the provided address or email address associated with the Username.

  2. Either click the link in the email or copy it into a browser. The Create a new password page opens.

  3. Provide a new password and verify it in the second empty field.

    Passwords must comply with the following rules:

    • Min length: 12

    • Max length: 64

    • 1 uppercase character

    • 1 numeric character

    • 1 lowercase character

    • Cannot be part of current email inbox name or username (case-insensitive)

  4. Click Send.

    The password has been changed.

  5. Click login.

    The Sign In to your profile page opens.

  6. Enter Username and new password and click Login.

    You are signed in with the new password.


If you have multiple usernames, use a username instead of an email address when attempting to reset the password.


Outlook users

Microsoft Outlook uses the Safelinks feature to check all links in received email. The feature invalidates the reset password link and when clicked a Resource not found error is presented.

If using Outlook, disable the Safelinks option and request a new reset password email. Enabling the Safelinks option after resetting the password is recommended.

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