Users and Roles

Guest (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Available for

  • Team, Ultimate and Enterprise plans (Legacy)

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Guests are similar to the project manager role excepting they are limited to the projects, translation memories, or term bases of a specific client. Like the Project manager, the Guest user role is highly customizable. A Guest role can be used to share Phrase resources with clients themselves so that they may review TMs and TBs.

The Guest role allows users to do any of the following for a specific client:

  • View projects (but not project templates)

  • View/edit jobs in the editor (but cannot change job's status)

  • View and modify translation memories

  • View and modify term bases

  • View analyses

  • View references

  • Download completed files

To select a specific client for Guest users, ensure that the client has been created using project metadata settings. A Guest user can have only one assigned client.

Set Guest User Rights

Much like Project managers, Guest rights can be very restrictive if required and are set by an Administrator or Project manager.

To set Guest user rights, follow these steps:

  1. From the Users page, select a user and click Edit.

    The Edit page opens.

  2. Ensure the Role is Guest.

    Settings specific to the Guest role are displayed.

  3. Select required restrictions and click Save.

    Settings are applied to the specified user.

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