Users and Roles

Submitter (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Available for

  • Ultimate and Enterprise plans (Legacy)

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Submitter profiles are an extension of the submitter portal.

The Submitter role allows organizations to create submitter portals requiring login via username and password. Multiple submitter portals can be attached to portals giving access to several submission interfaces. These interfaces can include different types of documents, subject areas, as a predefined set of analytics, etc..

If shared by a Phrase Portal administrator, the Submitter role can also access existing Phrase Language AI portals.

Ten Submitter users can be assigned with every licensed project manager.

Portals can be used to:

  • Order new jobs via the attached submitter portals.

  • Use the Projects tab for an overview of ongoing or finished projects.

  • Download completed files.

Assigning a client to a Submitter user is not possible:

  • Edit Submitter user rights to add active portals or allow viewing of projects from other Submitters.

  • Alternatively, add client metadata directly to the project template configured for the Service. The Submitter Portal follows settings defined in the Service.

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