Translation Management

Review Workflow (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

A review workflow for translations ensures translators are notified when source content has changed and requires the revision of existing translations.

By default, unverified translations are not excluded from downloaded language files as it is more important to release/deploy a translation that is not perfect over not releasing a translation at all (and displaying an incomplete translation or a placeholder). A continuous localization approach and improving existing (especially unverified) translations on a regular basis without delaying a release of a product is recommended and supported.

More complex and customized workflows can be constructed with Phrase Orchestrator.

Basic review workflow

Untranslated > Translated

Each key can be either verified (default) or unverified with verified meaning translated. Unverified translations are marked and can be selected in the editor. An unverified translation either requires proofreading or revision by a translator.

  1. Untranslated

  2. Translated

  3. Flagged for review due to a change.

Advanced review workflow

Available for

  • Business and Enterprise plans

Get in touch with Sales for licensing questions.

Available for

  • Advanced and Enterprise plan (Legacy)

Get in touch with Sales for licensing questions.

Untranslated > Translated > Reviewed

The advanced review workflow is activated per project in the Review Workflow tab in the Project settings window.

Admin, Project manager or Developer users are always allowed to mark translations as reviewed. Translator users need to be granted this right separately. Review tasks are set at the job level and assignees are notified of task status.

Every new key needs to be initially translated by a translator, reviewed (by a user with review rights), and be marked as reviewed before being pushed to production.

If a previously reviewed translation is changed, it must be reviewed again.

If there is a change to the main language, translations in other languages may need to be updated as well. A change to a translation in the main language sets the status of all other languages to unverified with the Mark as main language option selected. A translator must check if the translation is still correct or needs adjustment. If only a minor change is required (e.g. adding in missing punctuation) and other languages are not affected, the Mark as minor change option can be selected from the dots_icon.jpeg dropdown in the key card.

  1. Untranslated.

  2. Ready for review.

  3. Approved.

  4. Flagged for review due to a change.

To ensure no unfinished or unreviewed copy ends up in downloaded files, an extra download option is provided for only the reviewed keys. This option provides:

  • Only reviewed translations in the downloaded file(s).

  • If a translation is currently not in Reviewed state, the last reviewed version of that translation is downloaded.


In the new translation editor, translated keys are marked as ready for review.


Allows for source copy reviews such as proofreading in cases where unfinished source copy is added to a project.

To activate the review workflow for a language, activate Unverify new translations within the Review tab in the project language settings.

To mark updated translations as unverified by default, activate Unverify updated translations.


The Unverify new translations and Unverify updated translations options are available only for basic review workflows.

A possible use case:

  1. Developer uploads a file with keys and unreviewed source copy.

  2. Project language settings determine that the source copy is created as unverified translations.

  3. Source copy is proofread and verified.

  4. Source copy can be translated into other languages.

Automatic unverification

When the source content for a translation changes, translators are notified of the change so they can revise and/or verify the accuracy of the translation.

Automatic unverification is triggered for all changes made to translations of main languages as defined in a project. These are usually the languages of the main customer base (e.g., Spanish for customers located in Spain) and the most important. Languages are marked as a main language within the language settings of a project.

Automatic unverification is also applied to translations updated via file upload (e.g., via API) when the update translations option was specified. Translations of main languages that are updated during the process also trigger automatic unverification.

Manual unverification

Translations can also be unverified manually by using the Unverify or Verify button next to a translation within the editor.

Translation can also be verified and unverified via API.

Batch verification

Translations can be verified and unverified in batch in the editor by selecting the checkbox next to the key names from a search result. Hold down the Shift key to select all keys between a first and second selection. Alternatively, use the Select all search results checkbox at the top to select all keys from a search query. From the list of batch-actions, mark selected translations as Verified or Unverified.

Viewing changes

When deciding whether a translation is still accurate, it can be very helpful to see the last changes made to the source translations since the translation in question was previously verified.

A differential can be displayed by clicking the Show changes button next to an unverified translation.

Verify changes

To see which translation was (un)verified by whom, consult the translation history where content updates and a timeline of (un)verification actions is displayed.

Skipping automatic unverification

Automatic unverification is prevented by checking the Skip verification option when saving a translation. If specified, updating the translation does not cause all other translations to be marked as unverified.

Skip automatic unverification when correcting small things such as a typo or formatting without changing the actual meaning of the (source) translation.

To skip the unverification process when uploading a file, use the skip_unverification flag.

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