Translation Management

Quality Assurance (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

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The Quality Assurance (QA) feature allows to improve the overall translation quality by making sure that translators follow the syntax and key specifications.

In case of a violation, notifications are immediately displayed in the Quality assurance tab of the project page. Click on this tab to list all QA issues which have been found for the current project.

Use the drop-down menus at the top left of the issue list to filter QA issues by language locales or specific QA check types. To get more details and context about each listed QA issue, simply click on its name or select Editor on the right side of the list: the translation editor will be open to display relevant key information.

To ignore one of the listed issues, click on Dismiss on the right side of the list. To ignore all listed issues, click on Dismiss all at the top right of the list.

Setting up QA checks

There are three QA check features available:

  • Length validation:

    This feature prevents translators from surpassing the maximum character limit that is set for a key. If there is a limit set, the amount of characters left for the translation will be shown in the translation editor.

  • Placeholder usage:

    This feature allows to check if translators are using placeholders correctly, or if there are any placeholders not used or used incorrectly.

  • Term base usage:

    This feature allows to check if the terms defined for the project are being used for translations.

To edit settings for each of the above QA checks, follow these steps:

  1. From the Quality assurance tab of the project page, click on Settings at the top left to display the QA settings page.

  2. Use the options provided on the right of the page to apply each QA check in either moderate mode, or in strict mode:

    • When the Moderate mode is activated, users will still be able to save translations and violations will be shown in the QA issues list

    • When the Strict mode is activated, users will no longer be able to save translations violating rules through the translation editor, though violations will also be shown in the issues list

  3. Use the options provided on the right of the page to specify the project languages to which the QA check should be applied:

    • If All languages is selected, the QA check is applied to all languages in the current project

    • If Selected languages is enabled, the QA check is applied only to the specific locales selected from the relevant drop-down menu

  4. Click Save to apply the QA settings

The default settings for all QA checks are Moderate mode and All languages.

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