
Advanced TextMaster (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Users are able to connect Phrase to a personal TextMaster account to gain more control over the translation process.

To setup the integration, follow these steps:

  1. From the Integrations page, click Configure in the Advanced TextMaster integration box.

    The LSP integration settings tab opens.

  2. Provide TextMaster API key and TextMaster API secret.

  3. Click Save.

    TextMaster credentials are saved and the account is available when ordering translations.

Automate translation orders with API templates

With the Advanced TextMaster integration, templates (called API templates) can be setup within the TextMaster account. Templates can be created for language pairs and default settings are defined for translation orders. Once set up, available templates can be selected during the translation order process.

Target and source language pairs require precise language code matches. A template created for en-US as the source language will not show up as a template for en-GB.

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