Translation Management

Migrating Content (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Content Pre-migration

Before migrating content from another tool to Phrase Strings, follow these steps in the previous tool:

  1. Clean the content.

    If there are unused and archived keys that are no longer needed, consider removing them so that content is clean before migration. Also check for duplicate keys and merge or link them (if the other solution allows it) before the migration.

  2. Merge branches.

    If working with branches, complete the pending merges so that the project contains all the latest translations, keys and locales. This ensures that no work is lost and the migration is easier to manage. Branching and work with branches can be enabled again in Phrase Strings after the migration.

  3. Download latest translations.

    Ensure the latest translations for the projects are downloaded so that no work is lost. If possible, complete the translations for tasks that are close to being finished, so it is clear where to start after migration.

  4. Download TMs and TBs.

    Download existing translation memories and term bases (glossaries) so that they can be used in Phrase Strings.

Prepare Phrase Strings for Migrating Content

Before migrating content from another tool into Phrase Strings, follow these steps:

  1. Define plural forms.

    Define plural forms in the source file for the target languages that require it. This ensures that plural form-sensitive strings are translated using the plural forms based on the plural rules of the target language.

  2. Set placeholders.

    Ensure the correct placeholder format is selected for incoming projects. Placeholder formats for a project are specified within the Placeholders tab when creating or editing a project. Select all the required format styles.

  3. Upload existing TMs and TBs.

    Upload translation memories and term bases (glossary) to Phrase Strings to be used in migrated and new projects.

Screenshot Migration

If screenshots require migration, directly upload them from the Phrase Strings UI up to ten at a time. If they are on a platform such as Figma or Sketch, complete the integration with the platforms and push the screenshots (and the content) from there.

User Migration

To migrate existing users, send invitations to all of them from Phrase Strings.

To invite all users with the correct roles, languages, project access and teams, follow these steps:

  1. Define user/collaborators along with their roles, teams, languages and projects.

  2. Create a list of emails addresses along with roles, languages, projects and teams.

  3. Invite the list of users to the organization, all at once.

As soon as invited users complete their profile, they will be able to start collaborating in Phrase Strings with the defined roles and responsibilities.

Content Migration

If only migrating several projects using files or using the CLI, follow the tool-specific instructions below.

If integrating Phrase Strings with a platform such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, WordPress, Contentful, Figma, Sketch or others, refer to the specific integration documentation and migrate later.

If required, solution architects can help with migration and automation and advise on designing the best localization workflow for specific needs.

Migrate from Lokalise

To migrate content from Lokalise, follow these steps:

  1. Download the content.

    1. Log in to the Lokalise account.

    2. From the Projects menu, click on the project to be migrated.

    3. From the Download tab, select required file format.

    4. Select the required languages from the Languages section.

    5. In the Content to Export section, select All.

    6. Click Build and Download.

    Content is downloaded as and includes the source language and all selected languages.

  2. Apply localization workflow to the content.

    This content can now be uploaded to a project and a localization and review workflow can be applied. Content can also be uploaded to Phrase Strings using the Phrase CLI.

Migrate from POEditor

POEditor only allows the download of one language at a time from a project.

To migrate content from POEditor, follow these steps:

  1. Download the content.

    1. Log in to the POEditor account.

    2. Select the project for migration.

    3. From the Languages tab, select the language.

    4. From the Export tab, select the file format.

    5. Click Export.

    Translations for the selected language are downloaded in the specified file format.

  2. Apply localization workflow to the content.

    This content can now be uploaded to a project and a localization and review workflow can be applied. Content can also be uploaded to Phrase Strings using the Phrase CLI.

Migrate from Weblate

To migrate content from Weblate, follow these steps:

  1. Download the content.

    1. Log in to the Weblate account.

    2. Select the project for migration.

    3. Download files.

      • To download all files, click Files and select Download translation files as a zip file.

      • To download all files within a component of the project, select the required component, click Files and select Download translation files as a zip file.

      • To download translations for a language, select the required language, click Files and select Customize download and then the file format from the Quick downloads section. If the file is not visible, select the required format from the Customize download section and click Download.

  2. Apply localization workflow to the content.

    This content can now be uploaded to a project and a localization and review workflow can be applied. Content can also be uploaded to Phrase Strings using the Phrase CLI.

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