Translation Management

Analytics Dashboards (Strings)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Available for

  • All paid plans

Analytics dashboards provide aggregated insights into translation activities across all projects of the organization.

Select Phrase Analytics on the left-side navigation panel to access the Phrase Analytics page, which features three main tabs with different visualizations for detailed reporting and statistics: VolumeLanguages, and Users.


Due to continuous improvements, the user interface may not be exactly the same as presented in the video.

Access rights are as follows:

  • Full access: Admin and Owner user roles

    They can view translation activities of all users in any project.

  • Basic access: Project Manager, Developer, Translator and Designer user roles

    They can view translation activities of all users for projects they have access to.

  • Guest users do not have access to Phrase Analytics.

  • Irrespective of full or basic access, a user that is assigned to a project can see all languages within that project.

Data is not real-time and refreshes once daily:

  • EU instance: 1:00 AM UTC

  • US instance: 8:00 AM UTC

The analytics dashboards provide specific filtering options to display more granular insights on available data.

Users can also export each visualization to .XSLX, .CSV and other file formats based on the visualization type. To export data, hover over the desired visualization and click the three dots more.jpeg icon in the right corner.


It is not possible to download all views together.

Metrics Definition 

  • Key 

    Container for the translations, with its own name and value. A key can have multiple translations, as the default language can be translated into one or many other languages.

  • Translation

    Any text added to the target languages. The translation consists of single or multiple words.

  • Word

    A unit of translation. To calculate certain metrics, both words from the default/source language and target languages are used.

More information about metrics and their definitions is available to customers.

Volume Tab

The Volume tab offers a summary of aggregated statistics, displayed month-on-month. It includes data from all projects, such as languages, keys, translations, and words. Missing translations, Unverified translations and Managed words metrics also show monthly trends by comparing the metric value in the current month to the value of the past month.

  • The Date filter does not apply to these statistics.

  • The Managed words by month visualization shows the evolution of managed words over months, starting from June 2024.

  • The Translation Sources line chart displays information about pre-translation sources (MT, TM or users) used in the project. The date indicates when words or keys were translated or reviewed.

  • Overall volume visualizations show:

    • A list of all projects with their respective managed words and keys.

    • Visualizations featuring the top 5 projects by managed words and keys, highlighting the most used spaces.

  • The Missing translations metric was called Untranslated keys in the legacy Strings analytics.

Languages Tab

The Languages tab provides an overview for each language within a project. The pivot table shows the statuses for keys and words, helping track progress and remaining workload.

Graphical visuals display keys by state (in % format) across each of the review workflows.

Users can apply various filters to focus on specific content.

Main differences with legacy Strings analytics:

  • Reviewed keys are now excluded from the Ready for review keys metric.

  • The Untranslated words metric was called Words not translated in the legacy Strings analytics.

Users Tab

Available for

  • Enterprise plan

Get in touch with Sales for licensing questions.

The Users tab shows user performance within each of their assigned projects, which can be further filtered by language.

The pivot table highlights the contribution of the users, on keys and words.

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