TMS: Project & job management

Add the option to include/exclude Internal fuzzies during pre-translation

  • Current behavior:
    During pre-translation, it is only possible to set a threshold for TM, but there is no option for Internal fuzzies.

  • Requested behavior: 
    Add Internal fuzzies, with an option to define the match percentage, as an excludable/includable category for pre-translation.

  • Use case:
    This would allow to have more control over Internal fuzzies for instance when pre-translating from MT, in order to help with consistency issues.

1 comment

  • It took me a while to understand this, since Internal fuzzy leverage only happens during interactive translation.

    You are saying, "don't pretranslate this string with a 75% match, if you know that later there will be a better match once interactive translation has gone through part of the file".

    If so, that is an interesting request.  I am not sure how many people will understand what it does and how to use it.  Would require good documentation.



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