Translation Resources

Bilingual .DOCX (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Jobs and .MXLIFF files can be exported into a bilingual .DOCX file and back. This format is typically used to make minor corrections before re-importing the file back. It is not recommended for translation. Changes in locked segments of a bilingual .DOCX are ignored when the file is uploaded back.

Bilingual .DOCX files can be generated and uploaded from the jobs table through the Download and Tools buttons, or from the editor through the Document menu.

Linguists can be restricted from using this feature in the access and security settings. If these options are not available, contact your administrator.

Use cases:

  • Running a spellcheck in a text editor rather than in CAT editor.

  • Passing a bilingual .DOCX file to a customer or another user who prefers working in text editors (as an unclean document).

  • Uploading only part of a bilingual .DOCX is not directly supported, but there is a workaround:

    In the bilingual .DOCX, delete the unwanted lines. Ensure that the table header is kept at the beginning of the file. The bilingual .DOCX can then be uploaded.


  • The text is exported in a wide and long table and is not suitable for printing.

  • The jobs table only presents the first 50 jobs by default to prevent long loading times of larger projects. If more than 50 jobs need to be viewed at once, add ?max=150 to the URL and reload the page.

  • Do not enable and use Track changes or modify the formatting (font, color, highlighting, spacing, etc). Use Keep Text Only when pasting contents (up to 1000 cells at once) from an external source.

  • Only the translation for the first instance of a repetition is displayed. Notification is given at the top of the bilingual .DOCX file: When a segment gets repeated, the font is light grey, and you do NOT have to translate it. Second and further repetition segments populated with different translations are exported to a bilingual .DOCX and updated.

  • Tags are not protected.

  • In RTL languages (Arabic, Hebrew), tags such as {2> will be inverted to <2{ In order to get correct tags in Phrase, the tags in an RTL MS Word file must be <2{ word }2>

  • TM, TB, and MT are not available for bilingual .DOCX files.

  • Segments cannot be sorted or filtered.

  • Segments cannot be confirmed (They can only be uploaded and then confirmed in CAT editors).

  • Comments are read-only. Changes will not be imported back.

  • When using multilingual .DOCX files to move contents across jobs, bilingual tables may have up to 1000 lines. Copying large parts of text may need to be done in parts.

  • Download an .MXLIFF version of a document as a local backup before uploading large or heavily modified bilingual .DOCX files. Job updates from .DOCX or .MXLIFF files cannot be undone.

Bilingual .DOCX can also be re-formatted into a Trados unclean .DOCX using MS Word macros from third-party PlusToyz.

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