The Linguist role is that of a translator, reviewer or proofreader. Jobs are assigned to Linguists by project managers and when notification is received, the Linguist logs into the linguist portal to accept and complete assignments. Linguists can also be assigned to specific workflow steps.
The role was designed for freelance translators from outside a translation company and they do not have any project management rights. When a new Linguist is created by a Project manager, the Linguist receives an automatic email with their username and the instructions on how to set up a password.
Linguists do not own their profiles.
Linguists only get access to projects assigned to them by project managers. Only TMs and TBs assigned to these projects will be available.
Linguists cannot make any changes to a project's settings.
Linguists cannot attach their own private translation memories, term bases or machine translation engines.
Linguists can only edit or perform LQA assessments on Accepted jobs.
If not familiar with linguist tasks, see the Quick Start Guide.
Linguist user rights are generally about ability to use and modify translation resources. The and are used to help calculate quotes. Rights are set by an Administrator or Project manager.
To set Linguist user rights, follow these steps:
From the Users page, select a user and click Edit.
page opens. -
Ensure the Linguist.
isSettings specific to the Linguist role and edition are displayed.
If enabled, the linguist can access the TM and edit translations in the translation memory page directly.
If disabled, the linguist has read-only access to the TM. Their work will be saved to the TM when the segments are confirmed if the TM is set as Write in the project.
If disabled, the linguist:
Cannot pre-translate with MT via the jobs table or the editor.
Will not be able to see MT suggestions in the CAT pane.
Will not see the origin or score of an MT suggestion if the segment has been pre-translated by a PM.
Select required restrictions and click Save.
Settings are applied to the specified user.
When a Linguist completes at least one job in a project with certain languages and specific project metadata, such information is saved to the Linguist's profile as relevancy.
By leveraging relevancy information, jobs inside a project can be assigned to the most relevant providers. The better match with the language pair and project metadata, the higher relevancy score is automatically calculated for each provider. Most relevant providers will be suggested first upon job creation, as they most likely have translated similar content in previous assignments.
To set Linguist relevancy, follow these steps:
From the Users page, select a user and click Edit.
page opens. -
Ensure the Linguist.
isSettings specific to the Linguist role and edition are displayed.
Click Relevancy at the bottom of the page to expand the relevant section.
Select available project metadata as required to set up relevancy information.
Click Save.
Settings are applied to the specified user.
Project managers can assign Linguists to one or multiple jobs by editing the desired job(s) in the relevant project page.
A page specifically for Linguists to manage assigned jobs.
Linguist portal functions:
Accepting translation jobs.
Translating jobs in the CAT web editor.
Downloading bilingual MXLIFF files to start translating in the CAT desktop editor.
Viewing a wordcount analysis, including any net rates, if applied.
Virtually joining multiple files into a single one.
Marking translation jobs as Completed by Linguist.
Searching and editing term bases related to their jobs.
Project managers may set a Linguist profile to being automatically inactive if there are no jobs in progress. If a new job is assigned, the profile is automatically reactivated.
Project managers may set strict quality assurance rules forcing the Linguist to run a QA check and mitigate all findings before the job can be set to Complete.
Project managers may restrict work on higher workflow steps from commencing before a previous step is complete. This will not allow the Linguist to open the job. If a job is split, an email notification regarding review of a job may be received, yet all jobs resulting from the split must be complete before moving on to next step.
Jobs view
Translation jobs assigned to the linguist are presented in a table with acceptance buttons and filtering options. Information about the jobs is presented in columns that can be used to sort the jobs. Columns can be customized and saved. If a linguist is removed from a job, it will not appear in the list.
In the jobs view the Linguist can:
Change the job's status.
Click on the job name to open the job in CAT web editor.
Click on the project's name to open the project and access all the project's tools, such as download files, pre-translate, view Analysis, TM/TB, etc..
Filter the jobs list.
Projects view
Projects associated with the linguist are presented in a sortable list.
Click on a project to view project details:
Translation Jobs.
Wordcount analysis (if assigned to the Linguist by the PM).
Quotes (if assigned to the Linguist by the PM).
Translation memory (if assigned to the project).
Term base (if assigned to the project).
Reference files (if assigned to the project).
When Linguists change a job's status, their project manager is sent an email notification based on email templates if enabled in project settings.
Translation memories view
Translation memories that have been directly shared with the linguist are displayed as well as shared translation memories from currently assigned jobs. Shared translation memories are set to being editable or read-only by the project manager.
Filter options
All jobs, current and past.
All projects are displayed.
Accepted work
Translation jobs that have been accepted by the Linguist and have not yet been completed.
Projects where at least one job is Accepted but no jobs have New or Emailed status.
Completed work
Translation jobs that have been marked as Completed by Linguist. Once set to Completed, the job is no longer editable for the Linguist, but can still be opened as read-only. Linguists still can add or reply to a comment in the conversation in jobs marked as Completed.
Projects where all jobs are Completed by the linguist or Delivered.
New work
Jobs that have not been accepted by the Linguist are displayed. The status field can be used to accept or decline translation jobs.
Projects where at least one job has New or Emailed status.