
Job Tools

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

The tools menu provides:

  • Emailing of the job 

    Provider must be assigned before email templates can be applied.

  • Split file utility 

    For when multiple Linguists need to work on one file. Split files before assigning to vendors.

    • Split files cannot be unsplit, but all the files can be seen together in the editor.

    • Files split in a single workflow step can no longer be split for all other steps, but it is possible to split the file further in the given workflow step.

    • Files split for all workflow steps can still be further split either for the entire workflow or just for any one of the workflow steps of the project.

    • If a workflow step is added after a file has been split in a preceding step, the split is not applied to the file in the new workflow step.

    • Splitting a file into smaller parts does not affect the target file. Completed files download as one file, not multiple smaller ones.

    • Jobs cannot be split in continuous projects.

  • Export workflow changes 

    In jobs with workflow steps, a report is generated showing changes between steps.

  • Clone 

    Only available in projects with multiple target languages.

    A copy can be made of jobs imported from an online repository, but the duplicated job cannot be uploaded back to the repository. The link to the original remote source is not retained.

    Cloning of jobs created as multilingual MS Excel or multilingual CSV file types is not allowed.

  • Extract terms utility 


    Terms can only be extracted from source texts with Latin character sets. This utility does not work with source texts in non-space languages (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Thai).

    Terms from the source are extracted into an .xlsx file that can be edited and imported into a term base. Terms for export are defined by their maximum length in words, minimum frequency and minimum length of individual words.

  • Update source

    A previously imported file can be updated with a new source file. The older version of the file is overwritten and cannot be restored. If the Automatically generate post-editing analysis after the source update option is specified in settings, a new analysis will be generated. Net rate scheme of the provider will be applied in the new analysis.

    Jobs are updated individually, but updating the source on a file imported as Multilingual will apply the update to all imported languages.

    Previously translated segments remain translated and confirmed after a source file is updated unless that source text contains changes.

    It is not possible to update:

    • Jobs coming from connectors

    • A split job.

    • Files outside the first workflow step.

    • ZIP files.

    Multiple jobs can be updated at a time and the job must have New, Emailed or Accepted status. The same job can be updated every 30 minutes.

    The file name or file format of the updated job doesn't need to match the name or file format of the original job. The file name and file format will be updated accordingly.

    Analyses and quotes created before the update are marked as outdated yellow_warning.jpg. Outdated analyses can be recalculated.

    Continuous jobs automate the process of updating sources.

  • Update target

    If a file is changed externally, it can be uploaded again to maintain the changes and update the relevant TM. Tags in the file may be modified and locked segments are overwritten when updated. Updates can optionally be pushed to related TMs and also optionally be automatically confirmed. The job to be updated must have New, Emailed or Accepted status.

    Updated targets:

    • Have no impact on analysis or quotes.

    • Are not propagated to analytics.

    • Can be run in any workflow step.

    • Do not affect the current job status.


    • Bilingual and Multilingual files other than .XLIFF, .XLSX and .CSV are not supported.

    • Maximum of 2000 paragraphs per segment.

    • Job cannot be split or continuous.

    • Job cannot originate from an online repository using a connector.

    • Jobs must be imported without errors and have the same file extension as the original file.

    • Files in which the context key is not unique within the document may not update as expected.

    • Segments changed in preceding workflow steps may not be propagated further.

    • Changes are not made to the job or TM if translation is missing.

    Segments are automatically confirmed and updated in the TM if:

    • Identified as a match (scoring more than 100%).

    • It is the only segment in a paragraph with a change, scores more than 100 and does not contain any join tags.

  • Uploading of bilingual files 

  • Assigning providers from an existing project template 

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