Translation Resources

Filtering (TMS)

Content is machine translated from English by Phrase Language AI.

Filtering is a method to restrict the view of data to only that which is required for a task. Filtering is used in the Phrase interface as well as the very robust editor interface.

Filtering in Phrase TMS

Projects, jobs, users, term bases and translation memories can be filtered.

To filter presented data, follow these steps:

  1. From a table of data, click the filter button Filter.png.

    Columns available for filtering are presented with file names as text fields and column options as dropdown lists.

  2. Apply filtering requirements (requirements are automatically applied in the Projects and Jobs pages).

  3. Click OK.

    The defined filter is applied to the table.

  4. Click the filter button Filter.png again to clear the filter (or click the x on the corner of a filter in the Project and Jobs pages).

    Click OK.

Filter settings for projects can be saved to a custom filter once the filtering criteria are applied to the table by .

  1. Apply a filter using the first three steps above.

  2. Click Untitled view to open the view menu.

  3. Select SAVE AS A NEW VIEW

  4. Enter a name for the view and click Enter.

  5. Project view has been saved under the selected name and will appear in the Project filter dropdown.

To delete a custom filter, follow these steps:

  1. Select the filter you want to delete in Project filter dropdown.

  2. Click the dot menu to the right of the filter name to open VIEW OPTIONS.

  3. Choose DELETE.

  4. Confirm by clicking on Delete view.

Filtering in the CAT Editor

Filtering in the editor is powerful and helps linguists with workflows, translation quality and bulk operations. Unlike filtering in Phrase, filtering in the editor is applied immediately so results are displayed as filters are defined and changed.

Click editor_filter_settings.png to set case sensitivity and text source. Although Context Key, Context Note and Tags can be filtered, Source/Target is more common and will be used in all examples.

Simple text filtering

Entering text into the Filter Source Text or Filter Target Text fields instantly displays results.

If required, the format of quotation marks and apostrophes can be customized to control the characters entered when using the respective keyboard keys.

To change the quotation settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click the CAT editor menu Jobs_view_column_settings.png and navigate to Format/Quotations.

  2. Choose Source or Target to configure the quotation format for the source text or target text, respectively.

  3. Select the option matching the preferred quotation style (e.g. curly or straight quotes and apostrophes).


Replacing target text

To replace text in target, follow these steps:

  1. Click editor_replace.png or CTRL+H.

    The Replace Text field is displayed.

  2. Enter text to be replaced in the Filter Target Text field.

    Segments containing provided text are displayed.

  3. Provide replacement text in the Replace Text field.

  4. Review the identified text with the Previous and Next buttons.

  5. Click Replace to change the highlighted example or Replace All to change all identified examples.

Complex filtering

Multiple complex filters can be applied providing very specific content views.

Click Menu_Triangle.png to display complex filters.

Click Menu_Triangle.png to display the options for specific filters.

Complex Filtering Use Cases

Locking Repetitions

Locking secondary repetitions can provide a better analysis.

To lock only secondary repetitions, follow these steps:

  1. Click Menu_Triangle.png to display complex filters.

  2. Click Menu_Triangle.png to display Sort filters.

  3. Select Most repetitions.

    Segments are filtered for most repetitions.

  4. Lock CTRL+L repeated segments.

  5. Click Menu_Triangle.png to display Segment status filters.

  6. Select 1st repetition.

    Segments are filtered down to only 1st repetitions.

  7. Unlock CTRL+L 1st repetitions.

Only secondary repetitions are now locked and will not be included in a refreshed analysis.

Filtering out segments by TM percentage

This may be used to dis-include high level TM matches from a QA.

  1. From the Settings Setup_gear.png page, scroll down to the Quality section and click on Quality assurance.

    The QA Checks page opens.

  2. Select the Exclude locked segments from QA option.

  3. Click Save.

  4. From the Project Settings section, click Pre-translation.

    The Pre-translation page opens.

  5. Select the Pre-translate from translation memory option and set threshold to 99%.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Open the job in the editor.

  8. Click Menu_Triangle.png to display complex filters.

  9. From the Pretranslated from filter, select 99%.

    Segments with TM values of 99% or higher are presented.

  10. Lock CTRL+L the presented segments.

  11. Run a QA check.

High level TM matches are locked and are not included in the QA check.

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